The Saints Prayer Website

Short Stories on the Lives of the Saints
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A Chief Spiritual Work of Mercy
Pray for the living and the dead.
Here is a link to the main "The Saints" website of a list of prayer intentions sent in by visitors.

Share Your Favorite Prayers
If you would like to share any of your favorite novenas, invocations, or any type of prayer with the world. You may e-mail them to Rita at:
Please put, "Prayers", in the subject box.


Miraculous Prayer To The Little Flower

Miraculous Prayer To The Little Flower

O LITTLE FLOWER OF JESUS, ever consoling troubled souls with heavenly graces, in your unfailing intercession I place my confident trust. From the heart of our divine Saviour, petition the blessings of which I stand in greatest need, especially…(Here mention your petition.) Shower upon me your promised roses of virtue and grace, Dear St. Therese, so that swiftly advancing in sanctity and perfect love of neighbor, I may someday receive the crown of life eternal. Amen.

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